Since it requires an active internet connection to access and read articles on the webpage, you would ideally want to save or download a webpage instead. But, how do you go about downloading an entire website on your device? In this article, we will explore possible ways to download a website.

Can We Download an Entire Website?

The simple answer to this query is that it depends upon the website. Because, majorly, there are two types of sites:

Static: Static websites have their DOM files stored in the server with content already written on them. Dynamic: The content of dynamic sites is generated in real-time through the backend process when an IP request is made.

You might have guessed. It’s easier to download static websites as they have a limited number of pages. According to scale, dynamic websites may have an infinite number of pages, making downloading even harder.

How to Download an Entire Website?

The built-in browser features are simple to execute, but downloading a multipage website can be tedious. So, Below are some tools to download an entire website for offline use:

Using Wget Tool

There’s a command line in Linux operating systems to download or mirror an entire website on your PC. Later, it was made as a CUI-based free software package compatible with any operating system. It is currently under the public license of, meaning its source code is available for everyone.  Let’s begin by installing Wget on your device:

On Windows

Here are steps to follow to run wget command on your computer:

On Mac

To run Wget on Mac OS, we’ll use an open-source package manager called HomeBrew. And then, it will help to install Wget on Mac. Follow the steps below:

On Linux

Most Linux-based Operating Systems have this command line by default. But if you haven’t, it can be installed through command lines, it’s apt-get install wget for Ubuntu.

Running Wget Commands

After you successfully install wget on your device, run the command wget once. If it returns ‘missing URL,’ it’s all good to go. The basic command lines for all the OS are the same. To download a webpage, first copy the url of the webpage and type wget followed by the url, as a command. For instance, with wget , you can specify a folder with the -P between the command.  For example: wget -P :C\Downloads would save the downloaded webpage to the Downloads folder. However, the folder where you’re downloading shouldn’t have another folder within it. To download an entire website, you will need to add the keyword –mirror in the middle, like, wget – mirror

Using HTTrack Tool

There are other extensive tools for the purpose. One of the widely used open source tools is HTTrack. It is free and open-source as well. Moreover, unlike Wget, it also has got GUI. First, let’s jump to install HTTrack on your device:

On Windows

On Mac

On Linux(Ubuntu)

Use HTTrack(GUI)

After you enter either the software or web version of HTTrack, follow the steps to download the website:

Use Other Tools

If you want to skip freebies, you can utilize other paid third-party tools like SurfOnline, Website eXtractor(Freemium), etc.

How To Download Entire Website  - 6How To Download Entire Website  - 47How To Download Entire Website  - 5How To Download Entire Website  - 3How To Download Entire Website  - 91How To Download Entire Website  - 37How To Download Entire Website  - 51How To Download Entire Website  - 3